A Creative World

May 02 2016 creative, corporate, general, blog

Today's generational landscape is filled with visitors on the go, students, and employees who don't have the time or patience to wait. They are spoiled by the "digital age of NOW". They need their information at their fingertips and seamlessly available on any digital device within an instant's notice.

I remember when 28k dial up went to 56k speeds; it was life changing for me to now have a large file download in 30 minutes to an hour instead of 2 hours. That was less than 20 years ago! With the emergence of faster broadband and fiber came easier access through Google and other wiki based platforms. We could look for just about anything we wanted and get quick results that a few years before someone needed to open up his Britannica and rifle through!

Then came the biggest impact to our generation the iPhone! We now had access through WIFI to access any type of application or further indulge the curiosity through mediums that were years before not easily available. We started expecting results immediately, and with that came the digital age. The "digital age of NOW" as I call it. It only picked up steam through the technology advances with better processing power, strong WIFI hot spots, and 4K LEDs, advanced touch solutions, and hot fingers that can text on a small device faster than on a keyboard.

We are now consumed by everything digital and we expect it all instantaneously. It's as though we are a new specious of man drawn to digital experiences with visuals that incite some sort of immediate call to action. It could also be this euphoric relief in which you have your alluring information easily accessible.

All of this seamless interaction and stimulation of digital information will only progress as technology gains further momentum. The Digital age is at its infancy and the next generation will be amazed how we survived so primitively and thought all of this cumulated in me stating this is what impacted our generation! I am excited by what is coming next, but yet a bit frightened how we will process all that information. We shall see what's coming next and what we call next-gen.